This was the title of a Cambridge English Teacher webinar presented by Shakeh Manassian and what follows is a summary of what she had to say.
What is a test?
Talking mainly about summative assessment, a test is/has:
A clear purpose helps to identify:
Qualities of good coursebook learning tasks
What makes a good testing task?
We need to have:
What is a test?
Talking mainly about summative assessment, a test is/has:
- a tool or device
- an activity which helps to elicit certain types of performance
- a measure of learner performance - evidence of what a learner knows, understands and can do
- a defined duration
- a clear purpose
- a standard delivery format
- tasks which relate back to what was taught and learned
- a variety of task types to ensure fairness
- an evaluation of the evidence with reference to a set of criteria or a standard (this could be our own or an internationally recognised one, such as CEFR)
- marks which are indicative of the learners' underlying ability
- results which are used to make inferences about the ability of the learners
- these inferences must link back to the purpose for testing the learner, and the skills and abilities we thought we were eliciting
A clear purpose helps to identify:
- the kind of evidence we need
- the task types
- mark the learners' work
- interpret learners' performances
- make inferences about learners' abilities
- report our findings
- make decisions
- giving feedback
- checking progress
- analysing learning needs
- deciding what you're going to teach next
- selecting for a particular course
- assessing suitability for the next level
Qualities of good coursebook learning tasks
- Focused
- May come before or after a presentation of new language
- Are part of a series of learning tasks
- Fit in with the curriculum
- May lead to freer activities
- Often have an example at the beginning
- Are repetitive
- Help learners understand what has been taught
- Give learners an opportunity to practise
What makes a good testing task?
- it has a clear purpose which is stated in writing (for example, in a syllabus or handout)
- it's linked to a given model of language teaching and learning
- it makes the best use of the time available
- it tries to be authentic
- it isn't focused on a single element of language
- it has a clear marking scheme
- it exploits the reading text
- it develops a variety of reading skills
- it takes account of the classroom context
- it tries to develop other learning skills
- it tries to develop other language skills
- it tests a variety of reading skills.
- questions are ordered in the same order as the information appears in the text - we are testing comprehension, not information location.
- questions are clearly worded and are appropriate to the level. All students should be able to access the questions - we are testing their ability to find the answers.
- questions should be unbiased.
- questions shouldn't contain the same wording as the text - we should paraphrase so that students have to demonstrate their understanding of the language.
- each question should test only one reading skill.
- all options in multiple choice questions must relate back to something in the text.
- there needs to be a clear indication of the marks being allocated to each response.
- questions must have the right level of difficulty.
- texts should be interesting to our students and as authentic as possible.
- texts must allow us to test the kind of skills we're interested in.
- the selection of the topic and the sources should reflect the purposes of testing.
- the length of the texts should be appropriate for our purposes and for the time available.
- a variety of texts and question types should be used to be fairer to the students and to enable us to make broader inferences about what a learner can do.
- the test must allow the comparison of performance across huge cohorts of candidates.
- there needs to be a clear purpose.
- we need to have a clear idea of the performance we want to elicit.
- there needs to be a clearly defined format.
- the testing tasks and questions must be clearly designed.
We need to have:
- a clear purpose
- a clear understanding of how the results will be used
- a clear identification of the performance to be elicited
- designed tasks that elicit enough of this performance
- tasks that are fair to learners
- a set delivery format
- clear marking criteria and marking schemes
- a clear approach to the interpretation of the results
We also need to:
- know what each of the questions we've designed is testing
- make sure that we're testing key skills more than once, but that we're not overtaxing the learner
- be able to relate the results back to the skills we've tested
- be consistent in our approach each time we test our learners
- document decisions and actions